We are committed to a healthier living environment for our customers.
Water and Minerals
Minerals can be divided into organic or active minerals, and inorganic or inactive minerals. The minerals in water and soil are mostly inorganic and cannot be absorbed directly by the human body. This type of mineral is absorbed by fruits and vegetables and converted to organic minerals through the process of photosynthesis. The human body consumes these organic minerals. Most of the minerals in water are inorganic and only 1% of them are organic. One cup of orange juice has significantly more beneficial minerals than 30 gallons of tap water.
Well-known mineral expert Dr. Harry A. Schneider stated in the American Medical Journal, “The minerals that the human body needs are mostly taken in by consuming food, not by drinks”.
Minerals in water are not digested by the human body. Instead, they are discharged by sweat or urine, or they accumulate in the kidneys, arteries, and blood stream and cause serious disease like arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, and arthritis.
Lead (Pb) content found in tap water is also a mineral. Current reports say that Cooper (Cu) – one of the minerals found in tap water – is a fatal cause of Alzheimer’s disease.
Tap water in Southern California contains an especially large volume of minerals, and 80% of them are in the form of calcium and magnesium. Inorganic minerals that we are consuming without realizing can cause fatal damage to our health.
Physical Constitution and Alkali Water
Acidity is measured by pH (potential of Hydrogen), and its range is from 1.00 to 14.00. The pH of a solution indicates how acidic or alkaline the solution is. A pH of 7 indicates that it is neutral, < 7 indicates that it is an acid, and > 7 indicates that it is a base or an alkali. PH 1.00 is the strongest acid and pH 14.00 is the strongest alkali. Human tissue fluid is pH 7.35 – 7.45 and its buffer capacity is very wide—24-28 mmol/ml, so tissue fluid normally can maintain its pH level when a certain level of acid or alkali comes into our bodies. So, neutralizing human physical constitution by artificial means is almost impossible. Forcing a change in the normal pH level of physical constitution to the outer range of buffer capacity might cause corruption of metabolism. Because the human body is close to neutral alkalinity, the commonly-held notion that the inside of the human body consists of acid is a myth born of ignorance, and the concept of “neutralizing” the human body is misleading. In the human body, acid is only found in gastric juice inside the stomach. Gastric juice has a pH level of 1.92-2.59, with buffer capacity of 62 mmol/ml. It is secreted at 10 ml per hour when the stomach is empty, and at 74 ml per hour after each meal. Gastric juice has strong acid that can melt a nail and has very wide range of buffer capacity. Gastric juice cannot be neutralized unless strong NaOH is simultaneously added.
People with hyperacidity might need medicine with NaHCO3 or a similar neutralizing agent. However, they must first consult with a doctor.
How much water is in human body?
For this reason, humans can survive 4-6 weeks without food but not without water. If the human body cannot consume water, it will cause autointoxication and lead human to death in less than in a week.
Water maintains the cell moisture level, prevents dehydration and helps us stay healthy.
How does water circulate in the human body?
Therefore, drinking clean and pure water is the best way to eliminate any remnants in our body and it is fundamental to our health.
How much water should the human body consume per day?
What does water do in our bodies?
Water helps keep the neutrality or alkalescence of our blood and radiates heat in our body to regulate body temperature. It fuels every chemical reaction inside our bodies to keep us alive.
One of its important roles is carrying and discharging toxins from our bodies and thereby contributing to healthy complexion.
Good quality water is the best food for our health and beauty. People who keep drinking clear and pure water can look younger for longer.
What is the water ratio in human organs?
Good quality of water stimulates brain activity and creates blood circulation, which is essential for health and longevity.
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